Music Monday: The Tibbs – Takin’ Over

A lot of my recent favourite tracks come from Spotify’s “Discover Weekly” playlist, or one of a few other Spotify playlists that I keep an eye on and plough through whenever I’m in the mood for something new. This is how I discovered The Tibbs; the entry point being the track “Lies”, which I’d strongly recommend checking out.

Such is the nature of Spotify, I added the track to one of my own playlists, listening to it whenever it came up. With hundreds of tracks across a handful of lists, I don’t always check out an artist’s other tracks. However, on this occasion, I found myself listening to “Lies” so many times, I felt I had to venture further into the Spotify rabbit hole. I soon came across the album “Takin’ Over”.

It’s fresh, with mostly upbeat, funky tracks that are a joy to listen to. Current favourites include “Dog Days”, “96 Tears”, “Washed My Hands”, and “Cussin’, Cryin’ & Carryin’ On”, to name a few.

The whole album is sublime, and well worth listening through in its entirety (all 39 minutes of it).

As it turns out, I’m an idiot, because I could’ve discovered some of the band’s catalogue a couple of years sooner. I previously bought “Footprints in the Sand” following a recommendation from Juno Download – probably the “Recommends” section of the Funk genre. That’s worth a listen too, so I’ll leave you with that track too.

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